This is just a little Hello. It's not quite spring yet, but the daffodils are out and so is the first spring blossom so I've ventured out of the cave. There isn't much to see yet, but the scent of spring is everywhere.
Remembering about waiting too long and putting things off, I called in on a lady I had asked years ago about some of the quaint street names around here - Salvator Place, Poets Road... etc. because she had written a little book about West Hobart.
Though in her nineties now, she was still going strong and has since published another book, her fifth so far - a historical novel about early Tasmania. I meant to ask her about some of the shops and old cottages but we were so busy talking about other things, I forgot all about it.
Living Treasure Joan Goodrick, Historian and Novelist |
Joan's 2003 Novel - That's her own artwork on the cover too | | | |
This little cottage dates from 1835. That's old by Australian standards! |
Same cottage, side view |
Sorry, no idea! |
...or about this quaint little shop |
This used to be the general store. Now it's a very upmarket salon
The lovely old sandstone church buildings make the place seem eternal |
Another secret walkway
They will all give you a hear attack because they are so steep |
A happy Spring to you all!
PS. Bananas are now $16.99 per kilo and have been blamed for our inflation - well the floods and the cyclone that flattened them anyway. I have just bought out of season strawberries instead. Only $ 4.99! Surely we could do a bit of trade with Indonesia here. There were all kinds of wonderful bananas in Bali when I was there years ago - pink ones, white ones, short ones, long ones, Lady's Fingers, savoury ones and even ordinary ones and they were very cheap. Maybe we could ask the next lot of boat people to bring some. They have been coming here in great numbers.