The Flying Pig Pigs symbolise Good Fortune and Prosperity in many cultures and I certainly wish you those, but the flying pig seen here in a local Garden Supplies shop means something else. It is about things that are unlikely to happen. I have just looked over my New Year Resolutions - e.g. give up smoking yet again, get a real job, get a makeover, get new glasses, get a new boyfriend - and yep, I can see all those little piggies strapping on their wings, putting their seatbelts on and turning their mobiles off. This pig had a few friends which I will add to my bad taste collection - expensive too at $500 on special and I'll introduce them to you too, along with another fake tree for that collection which seems to be growing all too quickly. I found one in Canberra too. A Little Bull Some Cows A Goat Not sure if this is a Horse or a Bull ... this definitely looks like a bit of a Bull Hey! I saw those first - see the Post "Wild Art" Sunday, April 4, 2
Practising Geographer - nature culture places people