By OUR scientists, I mean all those scientists working in the public interest who have been hobbled, nobbled, smeared, dismissed, discredited, had their funding cut or been otherwise silenced, for telling the truth. They have asked that we support them on February 29th. It may be a bit late now for Aussies and others on this side of Greenwhich, but do it anyway. This type of behaviour was going on at least as far back as 1953 when Rachael Carson published her expose about DDT called "Silent Spring" and it has resurfaced most recently in the villification of Peter Gleick after he exposed the machinations of the Heartland Institute. The A-Z list on the Union of Concerned Scientists website has plenty of examples of suppression and intimidation. See also The Union of Concerned Scientist's report, Heads They Win, Tails We Lose which outlines the some of the more common methods: " Corrupting the Science Corporations suppress research, intimidate scientists,
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