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Sunday in Suburbia

Nature continues without us. Though we are still in lock down and I really miss getting out into the bush and watching the turning of the deciduous beech, there's still a bit of autumn colour about. It is also the season of harvest, pods, fungi, fruit and berries and our native plants put on their own display, evergreen though they may be.

Apples hanging over a fence
Pumpkins on the nature strip

Just a jumble of leaves with one old - fashioned scented violet

Native species such as these sheoaks offer their fruit too (Did you know that there were he oaks too?)

I really miss going fungi hunting too, but there are a surprising number around the neighbourhood too- no edible ones alas.

Banksia Serrata  - Old Man Banksia bristling with the enormous seedpods which inspired author May Gibbs to call them the Banksia Men, and make them the villains in her stories about the Gumnut Babies
