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The Charles Darwin Trial - Part III

Which way would you go? The track is actually down hill, a little to the left and then runs off to the right - impossible to tell coming from the top
Sunday, September 2015.

I finally did it!
Late in the day, I sneaked up on the Waverley Flora Reserve from the rear (south west)  - the way you were supposed to go and discovered all the places where I went wrong before. The track went through open woodland which appears to have suffered greatly due to fire and being too close to habitation. Nevertheless, at least three kinds of wattle were in bloom including one which I had never seen before and there were a few banksias as well as the ubiquitous sheoaks - some of which may well have been he -oaks. Curiously he -oaks are  the ones without little balls. They are a very ancient species which survive drought by having very tiny leaves enclosed by needles. One other curious discovery - a large pile of old scallop shells (see bottom pic). Could these have been part of an Aboriginal midden or have they merely been dumped by more recent sojourners who were equally fond of shell fish? Should I be excited about an archaeological find or disgusted that people haven't taken their rubbish out with them?
I have now walked all the inland sections of this 12 km walk at least twice. I am sure Charles Darwin would be proud!

Banksia amid the Sheoaks

She oak and wattle

Blue is a colour you don't often see in the bush. There was a lot of this creeper
This is the beautifully named Blue Love Creeper Comesperma Volubile*

This little wildflower too. Yellow is the predominant colour in this part of the woodland
Grey Parrot Pea Dillwynia Cinerascens*
Bossaiea Prostrata
There were also at least three types of wattle. This one is commonly called prickly Moses
Tiny mystery Wattle is a prostrate form of Acacia genistifolia*

Ancient Midden or Careless Visitors?
* Plant id. kindly provided by Bob and Joy Coghlan of the Society for Growing Australian Plants
