Greetings all! I suppose it's significant that our Christmas tree died this year. As promised, I won't be sending any cards as I am planning to put some money towards conserving the Vale of Belvoir near Cradle Mountain. It's a pretty spot where I almost froze to death a few of years ago while trying to track platypii. It is great place to watch wombats at play and also of high conservation and historical value.
If you would like to know more click here.
This isn't just about the money though. It's also about all those trees and postal related emissions too - (to which I am contributing enough already) -to say what? - Hi how are you? Sorry I didn't get around to writing or talking to you all year? Not that I don't enjoy hearing from you, but email me, write me a letter or give me a ring. It's all much more meaningful than those ubiquitous cards that have more to do with obligation than communication. Now what was it I learned from watching "Ratatouille" on the ferry the other day?
We had our family celebration earlier due to the Peach family's move to Western Australia so it's going to be a really subdued Christmas for us this year. This is just as well as I don't think I could stand to hear yet again that "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." We did have our usual dress up session "Death in Venice" - and I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that not only are all accomplished thespians but that at least one offspring has quietly turned into a keen gardener and handyman. Must remember to invite him down soon.
Academy Awards all round for this fine performance
In Melbourne my sister took me to see the film "Australia" -take no notice of the critics -it's great, esp. Nicole Kidman's performance - and I also visited some long lost family friends and a few places I haven't seen since cheap airfares came in. Funny how some have thrived (thriven?) while others have almost disappeared, but more of that next year.
I won't be sorry to see the back of this one. Despite the travelling, it has been one of the worst years of my life. I'm hoping that 2009 will be much better for all of us. I'll drink a toast to that on New Year's Eve and that's the only resolution I'm making. I' m all for that Japanese custom of Old Year Forgetting parties!
Let's forget all this gloom and doom immediately and have a great one.
If you would like to know more click here.
This isn't just about the money though. It's also about all those trees and postal related emissions too - (to which I am contributing enough already) -to say what? - Hi how are you? Sorry I didn't get around to writing or talking to you all year? Not that I don't enjoy hearing from you, but email me, write me a letter or give me a ring. It's all much more meaningful than those ubiquitous cards that have more to do with obligation than communication. Now what was it I learned from watching "Ratatouille" on the ferry the other day?
"Just because that's the way things have always been, doesn't mean that's how it's always gotta be."Nice little movie by the way, especially for children.
We had our family celebration earlier due to the Peach family's move to Western Australia so it's going to be a really subdued Christmas for us this year. This is just as well as I don't think I could stand to hear yet again that "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." We did have our usual dress up session "Death in Venice" - and I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that not only are all accomplished thespians but that at least one offspring has quietly turned into a keen gardener and handyman. Must remember to invite him down soon.

In Melbourne my sister took me to see the film "Australia" -take no notice of the critics -it's great, esp. Nicole Kidman's performance - and I also visited some long lost family friends and a few places I haven't seen since cheap airfares came in. Funny how some have thrived (thriven?) while others have almost disappeared, but more of that next year.
I won't be sorry to see the back of this one. Despite the travelling, it has been one of the worst years of my life. I'm hoping that 2009 will be much better for all of us. I'll drink a toast to that on New Year's Eve and that's the only resolution I'm making. I' m all for that Japanese custom of Old Year Forgetting parties!
Let's forget all this gloom and doom immediately and have a great one.